12 Astrology Signs,12 Fates a Guest Post from ‘The Astrology of Fate’ by Liz Greene

AstroSymbolsI’ve been reading The Astrology of Fate by Liz Greene and have finished the section on the twelve astrological signs and how each sign copes with its Fate– as in the struggle between individuality and Spirit. I’m not an astrologer but couldn’t resist the title; I’ve definitely received more than I bargained for. I see it as an intense book written for better understanding the dark nights  of the soul.

“Fate,” says Greene, “ensnares us through the body’s passions and desires. Fate enchants but also avenges transgressions of the natural law. Fate is not wrong, but the heroic in us may seek to transform or overcome them.” She adds, “We can’t transcend our Fate through spiritual techniques, but there may be wisdom in seeing the inner image of what is showing in outer events.”

Greene uses myths of the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses to tell her astrological stories; it seems we humans are all at war with either our Dark Mothers or Terrible Fathers. We are living, working, to accept and understand the results of the decisions made with our Shadow Selves. Greene says that how we live with our Fate is influenced by when we are born and her insight applies to both our sun signs and rising (ascendant) signs; for example, I would read Taurus for my sun sign and Sagittarius for my rising sign. What she writes also applies to the male and female genders of each sign.

I have have mostly used the author’s words as I try to ‘get to the point’ for each sign, though in some cases I have summarized. I also plucked sentences from many pages of interesting information on each sign. It is a long, deep book and, as I’m not an astrologer and can’t be sure I’ve fully understood what she has written, please read about the signs below using your own common sense and insights.

“ARIES will overthrow the old order and, asserting independent, individual spirit, enact fierce competitiveness. It is a desire for freedom—but there is only one god. Aries is about that which must be redeemed from the grip of the Terrible Father, whether this be a love, an idea, a philosophy or a creative endeavor that is not valued by the ‘fathers’ of the world. Because his battle is with God, the Father, Aries must be fully conscious of what he is doing, and needs to reverence the deity against which he strives. If the son remains devout, the encounters with Terrible Father create inner authority and Aries can then handle the responsibility of the kingship he has fought for. If he is arrogant, he will not enter the place of his personhood. Without this struggle he remains the eternal son and never enters the place where he embodies his manhood.

Rest of the Signs

When We Get Past This . . .

There’s still so much that both science and religion don’t know, and I think it’s more honest to acknowledge this and say, “You know, we really don’t understand how this (or that) happened. Everything’s a theory at this point.” If any of us ever do stumble upon ‘the truth,’ it will probably be the physicists with a spiritual leaning. Even now, they’ve discovered we consist of vibrating atoms that are made up of mostly empty space. We’re not really ‘solids.’ Isn’t that cool? Is the empty space where our souls reside? I don’t know, but why not tell our children the truth and encourage them to (ad)venture forth and discover?

I think we’re spiritual beings with the potential for insight and connections so wonderful that the next hundred years of discoveries could boggle our minds–if we can plow through the current wave of darkness sweeping over us. It’s as if a heavy, dark boot is trying to smother our world, engendering fear and pressing the ‘heart’ out of us. We need to remember: It is only a boot. It is nothing compared to the Light and Love emanating from the heavens, inspiring the light-sparks in our souls.

When we get past this, we will look back and shake our heads, because we have mostly lived like animals, with ‘survival of the fittest’ our credo. In our future, I can see a planet where the hopes and dreams of a woman holding her sick child somewhere in Africa are as important to me as mine are. I mean, why am I more important than her? Why are you? Why should her child not have a safe environment, a decent home, clean water and good food to grow a healthy mind and body?

Maybe ‘survival of the fittest’ was a reaction to this darkness, but we’ve nearly destroyed our beautiful world in so living. Our future is ripe with possibility to transcend the mess we’ve made, to make the next evolutionary leap. We probably still won’t know everything (that would be boring, anyway), but maybe we’ll work out how to get along, how to create communities of loving environments, with family and friends and access to education, health care and meaningful work. Maybe our condition won’t be measured by our material wealth, but by our spiritual wealth.

Now, that’s a dream of the heart worth focusing on.

Connection, Compassion and Love, A Guest Post By Michael Brine, Mike Hopkins and Maggie

As difficult as the news is every day, as much as the media has a need to keep us informed of dark, depressing matters, there is equal goodness all around us. (I know that a good deal of us have suffered losses that can only be measured in tears, and that the pain can linger. When enough time has passed, we take little steps back into life, working up the courage to take a swing at living again. I guess that’s the point–that we all know what loss is and yet, most of us get through it and carry on anyway. Really, what are our alternatives?)

Here my amazing online friends share here their tender stories of connection, compassion and love, for wherever there is union and healing, there is Love. We must all remember our own stories of care and goodness, both given and received, and we must share them, for they are needed now. We must share our stories until they become a Love-tsunami more powerful than any of the physical kind. The miracle of being alive now is the miracle of healing. We are all called to share great Love and oneness with each other and All That Is. We are called!

Here is a correspondence between Mike Hopkins, Michael Brine and Maggie. Continue reading

A Review of the Book and Cards, “Medicine Cards”

I’ve written about love and compassion here quite a bit, so it’s to be expected that I would have to face my own fears and shadow self, and see my own doubts and then, to be honest with myself and you, share them along the way. Though my childhood in this life would not be called easy, I sense that I brought some darkness with me, a darkness that has shown itself as nagging doubts about my self-worth, my spiritual commitment and whether or not I am truly loved by God. In the past, the feeling has come as an overwhelming wave of self-hate. I’m writing about this because this blog is a part of my journey.

Years ago I made a necklace that came into being looking like a simple Native Indian work. It prompted me to pull a box off my bookshelf book called Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson, which includes a wisdom-book and a smaller box of Medicine Cards, painted by Angela Werneke, of a variety of animals. Drawing the cards from the deck with a spiritual purpose, I am tapping into Native Indian philosophy and wisdom.

The authors of Medicine Cards explain,

“Our intention, as shamans and healers, is to begin a process for many people who have never understood their connection to Mother Earth and her creatures … [and] of what it means to walk in balance on the Earth Mother. Our dream animals have asked for our assistance in spreading the understanding that all life is sacred.

When calling on the power of an animal, you are asking to be drawn into complete harmony with the strength of that creature’s essence. Gaining understanding from these brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom is a healing process and must be approached with humility and intuitiveness.”

I had used this book before and looked through a bunch of files and I found my notes, dated April 24, 2001. That day, I found my nine Totem Animals (guides that remain the same for a lifetime); used the Pathway Spread to learn about life-lessons patterns; and the Moon Lodge Spread, to learn the state of my personal unconscious, to uncover the lies and self-deceptions I had been using to thwart my spiritual growth. I guess that explains why I didn’t pick up the book again until ten years later. Chicken wasn’t one of the totem animals, but, cluck-cluck, it applies here.

I looked inside the book and found another spread called the Medicine Wheel. ‘Medicine’ in the Native Indian way is defined in the book as:

“Anything that improves one’s connection to the Great Mystery and to all of life…Medicine is also anything that brings personal power, strength, and understanding. It is the constant living of life in a way that brings healing to the Earth Mother and all associates, family, friends, and fellow creatures…it is an all-encompassing ‘way of life,’ for it involves walking on the Earth Mother in perfect harmony with the Universe.”

Wow–walking on the Earth Mother in perfect harmony with the universe. How many of us walk in this manner, giving thanks to the Great Spirit for everything in our lives and to the animals and plants who give their lives to become our food? It is a worthwhile goal, one I hope is not impossible.

The Medicine Wheel spread is used to reflect on the personality and to see how we learn from ourselves, other people and animals. Sounded good to me. After shuffling, I drew five cards and placed them on a table in the four directions, East, South, West and North and one in the center, which is the Sacred Mountain Card. Each direction has its own meaning.

There are two messages for each card, one if the card is right-side up when you pull it out and one if the card is upside-down, which the authors refer to as ‘Contrary.’ My shadow-self doesn’t want to share the cards I drew, but my Higher Self does:

**The first card, East, represents where our spiritual strengths lie and the challenges to seeing clearly in the present situation.

EAST: Moose. Is about not needing approval, and experiencing the joy of a job well done, about the joy in giving encouragement but also in warning. Moose is about a new sense of self and accomplishment. Contrary Message: Ego can ruin a sense of accomplishment. It is about tooting my own horn and failing to be interested in others. It is a need to recognize that everyone is a teacher for everyone else, and there is a need to grow quiet for a while to let wisdom enter my heart.

**Second is South, with the animal guide helping our inner children learn what we need to nurture and to trust ourselves.

SOUTH: Blue Heron. Blue Heron indicates an unawareness of who I am and where I belong. Follow intuition and begin the journey of self-realization. Low self-worth and self-pity means I will never truly understand my true potential. A lack of courage in facing the critical enemy within. See my motives, actions, feelings, dreams, goals, strengths and weakness. Contrary Message: Too much self-reflection can lead to self-obsession. If criticizing self, watch out! It is imprudent to drown the sense of joy that accompanies the journey of self-discovery. Perfection leaves no room for being human. Our most valuable lessons are learned from our mistakes. Balance the desire to change with gentle discernment. Dive deep into feelings and emerge renewed, not judgmental, rigid, and flat, which breaks the spirit. Do not expect to find the many layers of truth and wholeness in one dive. Don’t hold my breath for enlightenment or let the collective feelings of humanity drown me.

**Third is West, showing the internal solution to present life challenges and what we need to reach our goals.

WEST: Dog. Serving others or humanity in some way. The guardian embodies the loving gentleness of the best friend with the protective energy regarding territory. Delve deeply into my sense of service to others. Have I forgotten that I owe allegiance to my personal truth? Have the opinions of others jaded my loyalty to a friend? Have I ignored someone who is trying to be my friend? Have I been loyal and true to my goals?

**Fourth is North, which integrates the other cards and is the key to walking in wisdom by connecting to our highest purpose and intentions.

NORTH: Antelope. Knowledgeable action. Symbolizes the antenna of the hair, which attaches us to the Great Mystery. Action is the key and the essence of living. Antelope medicine gives strength of mind and heart. Call on antelope when balled up. Antelope sends ingenious solutions. Antelope indicates a higher purpose and forces action for self, family, clan, nation and Mother Earth. It is time—do it now.

**Fifth is the card in the center of the spread; it shows how to see the present as a crossroads of spiritual and physical realities and how they have melded, to show whether or not we are in balance and what to do about it.

CENTER: Deer. Deer is the gentle spirit, filled with love and compassion for all. With love, deer moves the bullies away from the door to the Great Spirit. Creates safety. Contrary Message: Means I’m courting my fears by fighting the internal demons of negative ideas. Need to love myself enough to deeply feel my fears and let them go. The balance to power is the love and compassion of Deer, who teaches unconditional love, accessed from the heart space of the Great Spirit who loves us all.

I really love these cards. With them, for whatever the reasons, I can count on honest guidance from the Divine, even if it’s hard to face. This is a priceless gift and I give my gratitude to Jamie Sams and David Carson, their mentors and all of dear Mother Nature’s Creature-Teachers. Thank you, Friends.

Medicine Cards is a book of sincere and profound wisdom, for all who want to see the truth of our personalities and our spiritual natures; and to make more meaningful relationships with nature.

THRIVE: A Most Important Movie

Picture from the website, Thrive–the Movie, http://www.thrivemovement.com

I’ve just spent the last two hours, thirteen minutes and three seconds watching a free movie streaming online. Never have I taken such a journey from inspiration to despair (caused by overarching domination) to solutions, grounded in peace and harmony, for us and our world . I tell you there is no more important act you can make than to stop, sit and watch THRIVE, The Movie, at http://www.thrivemovement.com/the_movie with as many others as possible. It answers so many questions we humans have they’re too numerous to list here. Forward the link to the movie to your friends. Post it on social media sites. Send it in an email. Now is the time to stand up for our lives.

A Goodreads Book Review of THE FIFTH GOSPEL by Rudolf Steiner

The Fifth Gospel picA Goodreads Review of “THE FIFTH GOSPEL by Rudolf Steiner”

“From his clairvoyant reading of the Akashic Record — the cosmic memory of all events, actions, and thoughts — Rudolf Steiner was able to speak of aspects of the life of Jesus Christ that are not contained in the four biblical Gospels. Such research can be spoken of as a fifth gospel. After an intense inner struggle to verify the exact nature of these events, and checking the results of his research, Steiner describes many detailed episodes from the Akashic Record. This new edition has been retranslated and features six lectures that have never before been published in English.”

Review Reprinted From: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/627391.The_Fifth_Gospel

Author Page at Goodreads:

“Steiner was a philosopher, social thinker, architect, and esotericist.

Steiner led this movement through several phases. In the first, more philosophically oriented phase, Steiner attempted to find a synthesis between science and mysticism; his philosophical work of these years, which he termed spiritual science, sought to provide a connection between the cognitive path of Western philosophy and the inner and spiritual needs of the human being.

In a second phase, beginning around 1907, he began working collaboratively in a variety of artistic media, including drama, the movement arts (developing a new artistic form, eurythmy) and architecture, culminating in the building of a cultural center to house all the arts, the Goetheanum.

After the First World War, Steiner worked with educators, farmers, doctors, and other professionals to develop Waldorf education, biodynamic agriculture, anthroposophical medicine as well as new directions in numerous other practical areas.

Steiner advocated a form of ethical individualism, to which he later brought a more explicitly spiritual component. He based his epistemology on Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s world view, in which ‘Thinking … is no more and no less an organ of perception than the eye or ear. Just as the eye perceives colours and the ear sounds, so thinking perceives ideas.’ A consistent thread that runs from his earliest philosophical phase through his later spiritual orientation is the goal of demonstrating that there are no essential limits to human knowledge.”

Reprinted From: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2593.Rudolf_Steiner

STEINER RELATED LINKS: http://www.anthroposophy.org/, http://www.rudolfsteinerweb.com/, http://www.anthromed.org/,  http://www.rsarchive.org/, http://www.thechristiancommunity.org/, http://rudolfsteinerquotes.wordpress.com/

A Surprise Visitor of Light in Glastonbury, a Guest Post by Michael Brine

town squareBy Michael Brine

I was visiting Glastonbury in England in 2003 which is well known for psychic/spiritual events in the past as you likely know: King Arthur and all that, and that the cup of the Last Supper is reportedly buried there in what is called Chalice Hill. That’s another story.

It was just before the U.S. was going into Iraq and a group of about 20 of us had agreed to meet at noon in a village square — not the main one as that would have been a bit too public — to send out our thoughts for peace. Just as we were beginning to hold hands in a circle a young chap ran up and, looking at me, asked if he could join and of course, we said yes. He came between me and another and we proceeded with our silence.

When it was over a few of my closer friends were arranging to meet that evening to go out to a local pub a few miles out of Glastonbury. We arranged to meet in the village square at 5:30 and go out in two cars to the pub. This young guy asked if he could join us looking at me and of course, again, we said yes. We met at 5:30 and went out to the pub for supper and to share our thoughts.

While we were there exchanging our thoughts I noticed that this chap sat quietly listening but not saying much. He seemed quite absorbed with our conversations. I liked him. Anyway, eventually it was time to go back to Glastonbury and get our cars. On the way back one of the chaps asked me quietly not to tell this fellow where he lived as he felt he might show up asking for a place to stay and maybe some food. I was surprised as I didn’t feel that way about him at all — but I agreed.

When we were saying our final goodnights in the Village square, this young chap came quietly over to me and as he approached I saw a powerful white light go from his heart centre straight into mine; I felt Love as I had never felt it before. Then he quietly left. No one else witnessed this experience as I was standing a bit away from the rest, and no one has seen him since. I have never forgotten.


Native American Wisdom:

“Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the Universe and all its powers, and when they realize that  — the centre of the Universe — is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”

                                                                                           ~Black Elk, Oglata Lakota, 1947

Other articles by this writer maybe found on:  www.missionignition.net/btb

Michael Brine’s e-mail address is: wild.brine621@gmail.com

Signs of the Times, a Guest Post by Michael Brine


Change is coming

Change is coming

By Michael Brine

We live in very demanding and certainly changing times. In my life’s journey – now 78 – I have had the good fortune to travel and live in other countries and cultures outside of Western domination. I have also been especially interested and aware of the indigenous cultures across our world, in particular the Mayan People and the Hopi. They, as with the Australian Aborigines, have indeed pinpointed our time period as one of major change. In our Western, Caucasian, ‘all-knowing’ arrogance, we dismiss the insights of indigenous peoples, who have ancient, yet similar, observations relating to this time period.

How can we ignore them?

I think we can agree that cycles are a fact and are observable in many areas of our lives. Seasons come and go – the moon – the tides of the oceans – women’s menstrual cycles – our own life cycle of 90-years plus/minus – the movement of the stars – Ice Ages – we live within cycles great and small. Is it not possible that our indigenous peoples might have known or know something that we disregard?

Let us look at other factors we are ignoring that indicate major changes could be on the horizon. At the turn of the last century there were around 1.5 billion people on the planet. In just 114 years we have reached eight billion! This exponential increase is now at a crisis level and we are running out of space. Food prices rise as it becomes increasingly difficult to produce enough to feed the world’s growing population – ie: Thailand, a major rice exporter has now stopped exporting rice, I believe because it is concerned about having enough rice to feed its own people.

This may just be the start of a growing protectionist attitude emerging within different countries to protect their own as the situation becomes increasingly critical. In this respect we in Canada are particularly vulnerable as we only produce about twenty percent of our food needs and import eighty percent. The reverse is true in Russia – a geographical area not dissimilar to our own – in which they produce eighty percent of their needs and import twenty percent! Seeing these figures should serve as a wake-up call to Canadians – yes?

Weather anomalies across the globe are another element adding to this growing crisis and that includes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that are becoming more frequent. Here in Canada we have been, to a large extent, saved from much of this, but that is changing. Nor are lines on a map going to protect any of us from weather catastrophes.

On top of all this, we continue to face a global financial crisis as the existing system outgrows itself and dishonesty great and small is exposed. Indeed, this system has exposed our vulnerabilities as nations threatened with collapse, and as individuals who struggle with temptations which acted upon seriously harm others. Politicians are at a loss as to how to resolve these crises and have engineered ‘solutions’ that are only compounding the fragility of it all. We are now at a tipping point in this bankers’ illusory world. People are aware of the behaviour of the Banking Industry, et al, if only subconsciously, increasing fear with respect to financial survival almost everywhere.

One final observation: Since the time of the ancient pharaohs of Egypt, we have lived in a Patriarchal Age in which women have been largely “dumbed” down and we have been ruled by little boys who behave like bullies in the school yard. We have clear examples of this in today’s world in Iran and North Korea, as well as the sad Afghanistan situation, and of course, Syria, to name a few more obvious instances. This attitude prevails across the world in most countries, albeit more subtly.

However, as we move from the Patriarchal Age to the Aquarian Age we will see the Divine Feminine emerging to take its true place in these coming times, with women recognized as equals, in societies that focus on moving towards a world of Community in which we all work together – men and women – within our personal arenas, be they small or large, and not competing against each other as we do now in societies built around finances. I also feel that those ‘lines on a map’ that separate us will all disappear. Indeed we ARE all one humanity and we need to recognise this as we move forward into the coming age.

Perhaps what our Indigenous peoples, through their Shamans, have known is that with the ending of this 26,000 year cycle we will observe a cleansing of the garbage we have accumulated throughout this passing age. You cannot build a new building on a rotten foundation. I have observed more and more ‘ordinary’ people are waking up to this accumulated ‘garbage’ factor – largely thanks to the internet – that has controlled humanity through this last age, and people are saying, “Enough is Enough!”

I write this not to create fear. I am providing information, at least as I see it. What you do with that information is up to you. I suggest we hang onto our hats and go for the ride!

“Beyond right and wrong there is a field. I will meet you there.”  ~Rumi

My best,
Michael Brine

Connecting with Off-Worlders, a Guest Post by Michael Brine

By Michael Brine

We are not alone.

In this article, I describe encounters with persons or beings not from Earth. I use the designation, “Off-Worlders” in preference to “Aliens,” as I do not consider beings from other planets or dimensions, alien. They are all part of this universe we live in.

1] The first memorable event happened when I was 14 in 1949 and chasing a stolen car – a story for another time. I had little driving experience and it was starting to rain when I hit a corner going 70 mph. I skidded across the road and hit a tree, driving the motor up into my front seat. At the moment of impact, I was held above the car in what I can only call a bubble. The car was a write-off. I was unhurt. To this day no one knows how I survived without a scratch.

2] In 1999, I was in Tasmania, Australia, taking a course in Reiki, which included reading about the history of Reiki. Some felt that there was evidence to suggest that Reiki had been given to humanity in ages past by Off-Worlders who had visited us centuries ago. This caught my attention as it rang true for me.

We are not alone.

We are not alone.

I concluded the course; my teacher, who had tested and passed me, was standing behind me giving me a kind of blessing. All of a sudden, a white light came through the ceiling and I heard a voice say, “You are not forgotten!” This was not a message just for me; I felt it was for all of humanity. This led me to believe that we may well have been seeded here from another part of this universe some tens of thousands of years back in time.

3] In 2003, I was visiting England seeing friends and was down in famous Glastonbury in Somerset. This was at the time when the US was sending troops into Iraq and we all felt that was a bad idea. A group of us agreed to meet in a small village square off the main square at noon the next day, to send out prayers for peace. There were about 15 of us and we had gathered in a circle holding hands when a young chap came running up. He looked at me and asked if he could join us. Of course, we said yes and he came in between myself and another. Then we did our thing. When it was over some of us spoke about going out to a pub for supper and to have an evening together. This young chap asked if he could join us. We agreed and arranged to meet again in the village square at 5:30. We took several cars, as the pub was about ten miles out of town. It was called “The Apple Tree.”

Fortunately, there was an empty room with a fire going when we got there. We sat and ordered some food and started sharing our thoughts. We were there for about two hours. The young chap sat on a shelf that extended beyond the fireplace. Throughout this time, I noticed that he listened intently to our sharings but said very little.

Finally, we left and drove back to Glastonbury to pick up our other cars. I had said my ‘Goodnights’ and was standing alone by my friend’s car when this young chap came silently over to me. As he approached, I saw a bolt of white light come from his heart centre straight into mine. I felt Love as I had never felt it before or since. As others completed their goodbyes, he quietly walked away. The next day I asked if anyone knew him but nobody did and, as far as I know, he was never seen again. From this experience alone, I know they are amongst us.

4] Back in 1961, while on six months leave from my banking employer, I had been up in London with a friend to see a play. We were driving back to Glastonbury and were crossing Salisbury Plane at about 1am – an area in which so many crop circles appear – when I saw what looked like a long train approaching from the right, crossing a bridge in front of us. Only I suddenly realised there was no bridge in front of us, nor any railway in the area! I stopped the car and both of us watched in amazement as this huge ‘plane’ passed slowly across the road in front of us in absolute silence. Let me add there was no landing site anywhere near this location, nor any military bases. Hhmmm . . . we are definitely not alone!

P.S. Let me be clear. Over the years I have met other ‘fellow travelers’ who have experienced connecting with these beautiful beings from other parts of our universe who live amongst us – learning about us – and showing themselves as and when they feel it is appropriate. So, I have decided to take a bit of a risk and go public with my experiences in the hope it will have some influence in opening minds to the fact that we are not alone!

Other writings of mine can be accessed at:  http://www.missionignition.net/btb

Who Built the Pyramids and Why, Based on the Hopi Creation Story, a New YouTube Video from Tom Mills

Tom Mills Pic for YouTube videoTom Mills has recently released a video on YouTube called, Who Built the Pyramids and Why, Based on the Hopi Creation Story. The Hopi Creation Story tells us who built the pyramids and why, how the pyramids and many of the unexplained sites around the world relate to global warming, our melting polar ice caps and what their purpose was in the past.
Tom says the Hopi Creation Story is reinforced on murals painted around the world, many located on ancient pyramids and large stone monuments. He has written two interesting books, THE BOOK OF TRUTH and STONEHENGE IF THIS WAS EAST, linking the Hopi story with Egypt and other locations. They are available at: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/thebookoftruth.
The Hopi Creation Story tells of the Creator and family members navigating the universe, coming across Earth, which was wobbling too much to be habitable. Huge stones (pyramids and stone monuments) were placed on Earth in different areas of the world, at different times, to balance it so that life could be created or maintained. The Hopis tell of the Creator’s willingness to return to Earth six times, to repopulate the world, after great endings caused by fire, ice and flood. We are living in the fourth world now, which Tom says is nearing its end, when the Orion star cluster comes into contact with the constellation of the Bull.
One of the most interesting ideas on the video is that the imbalance of our wobbling world was measured by the Creator as the weight of a feather. Tom suggests that if we understood the Hopi story, we would be busy building huge stone monuments, for balance, again. Says Tom, “The Earth is in a delicate balance and in our human hands.”
Tom mentions THE BOOK OF THE HOPI in the video. This image and description are COURTESY OF: http://books.google.com/
Book of the Hopi
In this strange and wonderful book, thirty elders of the ancient Hopi tribe of Northern Arizona — a people who regard themselves as the first inhabitants of America — freely reveal the Hopi worldview for the first time in written form. The Hopi kept this view a secret for countless centuries, and anthropologists have long struggled to understand it. Now they record their myths and legends, and the meaning of their religious rituals and ceremonies, as a gift to future generations. Here is a reassertion of a rhythm of life we have disastrously tried to ignore and instincts we have tragically repressed; and a reminder that we must attune ourselves to the need for inner change if we are to avert a cataclysmic rupture  between our minds and hearts.

A Precipice and Changes in Consciousness, a Guest Submission from Michael Brine

From Michael Brine

Dear Readers,

woman at precipiceI have attached three selections from the book, Through the Looking Glass, by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf, Part Two. I hope they will help you to better understand the times in which we live.

“Humanity sits poised at a precipice; in front of us is an undeterminable pathway, behind us is the shell of a decaying age. We are at the crossroads of our experience; already actions, as well as thinking processes, are being set which will determine the nature of a new and extraordinary destiny. Our survival as a thinking species and, as well, all living things upon the Earth, now hangs in the mercy of the Winds of Change . . . winds that no longer blow quiet warnings; rather they carry with them a somewhat foreboding message and always deliver a swift altering of our contrived reality through extremely volatile occurrences.

The Division Bell has rung and marks and denotes the polarities of consciousness as we experience conflicts within ourselves, our thoughts, moral values and the everyday dealing with a society that seems to suffer from a total absence of value and ethics. Society as a whole is drawn into the spin, created of a controlled media.”

“Disease and Pharmaceutical/Allopathic Medical Corruption: Many corrupt corporate demigods, who have plundered an unsuspecting world, sometimes defenseless third world populations, have created an entire generation of peoples addicted to their chemical dependencies, “Drugs for Health,” thus enslaving them, creating predictable life spans.

Finally, a quote from the section: “History Rewritten: Human Evolution and Starseed Movement: There will be a series of explorations revealing our true relation to those who come from the stars. At first these discoveries will be opposed by organized religions who will then embrace them in the face of proven scientific evidence. This will cause a further breaking down in the influence of traditional religious doctrines. The revealing of ancient documents and artifacts will be proof that the Nazarene’s influence upon mankind was far more involved and known amongst the world’s people than previously perceived.”

My intent with this column is to get us thinking outside the proverbial “Box” we have been conditioned to believe, by presenting the thoughts of those who I have learned to respect. Whether or not you choose to consider these ideas is your choice, of course.

Comments are certainly welcome, including critics, either here or at my e-mail address: wild.brine62I@gmail.com.  Other writings  by and materials from Michael Brine maybe viewed  at.missionignition.net/btb and here at: http://notesalongthepath.com/?s=Michael+Brine&submit=Search

Thank you. Be well.

Michael Brine

Book Review of “The Eagle and the Rose” By Rosemary Altea

sitting manI was thinking this morning about our loved ones who’ve crossed over to the other side, perhaps because my mother, brother and middle son are visiting my son’s father’s grave site this morning. Ben died when my boys were two and five, which has caused me to feel for the families of the 19 firefighters who were recently overtaken by a raging fire near Prescott, Arizona, and the young families they left behind. Grieving is an intense form of suffering, especially when someone young dies unexpectedly. I have felt Ben’s presence and dream about him pretty regularly. I hope the families in Prescott come to know their missing parent is still there with them, just on the other side.

I left my body once and was exhilarated to be free of it, though I was allowed, thanks to the Good Lord, to return to raise my young children. I am certain that we exist beyond the death of our bodies and that, no matter what, if we sincerely ask to be forgiven, to ‘live with God,’ we eventually will. We should not fear death; it is not the end of us. It is simply a door to the ‘spirit’ side, where our spirit selves live.

I’m reading The Eagle and the Rose by Rosemary Altea, published in 1995 by Warner Books Edition. (I found it in a used bookstore.) It has only strengthened my resolve that we can love our relatives after the death of our bodies, and help them if we so choose. The book is the story of a woman, Altea, and her spirit guide, Grey Eagle, and how, working together, they open channels to deceased family members who want to communicate with their grieving loved ones.

Rosemary ‘saw spirits’ as a child and was tormented by unusual experiences that made her think she was crazy. Her mother wanted to be rid of her. A husband left her with a mountain of debt and a young child; it was a difficult period for them. In other words, her life wasn’t easy.

At age 35, she met a group of peaceful, healing people who ran a spiritualist church (which has speakers rather than ministers and sometimes, after prayers, if a medium is present, he or she brings messages to the attendees). This group of people helped Rosemary to understand that she wasn’t crazy and that with her gift, she could help desperate-to-communicate souls tell their loved ones that they’re okay, that they are not dead–only their bodies are dead. Grey Eagle, compassionate and tender, is always present, easing the process for the deceased, and guiding Altea. She sees Grey Eagle as if he is in a body in the room with her. If she can see the people who crossed over (sometimes she only hears them) she sees them as if they’re solid, too. In other words, they don’t look like ghosts.

Rosemary gives powerful case studies in the book, in which deceased people give so much detailed information, such as what their grieving relative was doing that morning, even true skeptics leave comforted by the knowledge that their loved ones truly live on, that there is life after death, and that they can watch over and guide their loved ones from the other side. If you’re skeptical, perhaps you can allow some space to contemplate the matter. Who knows? You could very well have a loved one who wants you to know they are only around a corner.

Fertile Imagination or Reality?

From Michael Brine

In his book, The Silent Road, by Major Wellesley Tudor Pole, c.1960, he wrote the following as his ‘Forward.’ In view of my more recent revelations relating to Off Worlders (Aliens, if you must!), it seems timely to quote this remarkable man once again, with whom I had the privilege of working, all too briefly, in 1961/62.

Wellesley Tudor Pole circa 1965

Wellesley Tudor Pole circa 1965

“Recognition of the truth or value of the supernatural experiences recorded in this book cannot be communicated by the author to his readers.

Awareness of reality must inevitably be reached interiorly. For this reason I have no desire to bring conviction to those who may regard what I have written as being incredible or the product of a fertile imagination. It is well, however, to remind ourselves occasionally that in almost every field of research the so called fantasies of yesterday often become the facts of today. The horizons of the mind are not fixed: they are expanding ceaselessly. Therefore it is suggested that what I have recorded should be read with a mind free from preconceived ideas or set opinions. The search for Truth is a personal and solitary adventure. All we can do is to share ideas with one another, in the hope that by doing so, the light of understanding may bring us a little nearer to Reality. In the long run it is through silence, and not through speech, that Revelation is received.”

~W.T.P., London, SW1, England, 1960

P.S. – Tudor Pole worked with the King and Churchill during the 2nd WW. It was he who started the Silent Minute in which the whole British Nation would stop at 9:00 each night before the news and send out prayers for peace. After the war, while questioning some of the German Gestapo Officers, one was asked, “Why do you think Germany lost the war?” His reply: “You had something we could not defeat – Your Silent Minute!”


Other sharings and writings by Michael Brine can be found at: www.missionignition.net/btb

Off-Worlders Are Revealing Themselves to Us, A Guest Post by Michael Brine

By Michael Brine
Email  address: <wild.brine621@gmail.com>

Man w light on chestIt is time for me to go public with my own insights and experiences regarding visits from off-worlders. It is time to be a bit bolder in letting the general public know that many of us have experienced contact with others, supporting our views on the existence of life elsewhere in our galaxy.

Readers may know  that I believe we are not alone in this Universe. In line with that idea, I will now disclose an experience I had when I was visiting England back in September, 2003. It was at a time when the Americans were on the move into Afghanistan, and I had connected with a group of people who felt that we should do all we could to stop this. I was at the time visiting with friends down in Glastonbury, Somerset in the West Country. One evening I was socialising and heard there was a gathering planned the next day at noon to form a circle in a small village square off the main square to send out prayers for peace to stop this ‘invasion’ of Afghanistan by the US and its allies, which included Canada, my home. (As an aside my father, who was a British military officer in India in 1919, was up on the borders of Afghanistan at one point and he wrote in his daily diary: “Afghanistan will never be conquered. It’s too tribal.”)

So my friends and I joined this group at noon in a quiet little area off the city centre. As we were forming a circle a young chap ran up and asked if he could join us. Of course, we said, “Yes.” He looked at me; I nodded.  He came between me and another and we proceeded to join hands in a circle. We entered the Silence sending out our thoughts/prayers for Peace. When it was over some of us were talking about meeting later and going out for an evening at a local pub about 10 miles out of town. We arranged to meet in the village square at 5:30. This young chap asked if he could join us. We said of course. We met and drove out to this pub called “The Apple Tree.” There we were given a private room off the main bar area where there was a lovely fire burning.

We shared our thoughts about things. Our young friend sat on the shelf that runs in front of the fireplace and quietly listened. He said very little but seemed absorbed by our exchanges. It was a lovely evening. Eventually we returned to the town centre where some left their cars and had crammed in with others. All were saying goodnight. I was standing off a little way waiting for my friend to join me to drive home when this young chap came towards me quietly. As he approached, I saw a circle of white light come from his heart centre into mine and I felt Love and Compassion such as I had never before or since! He quietly left and no one has seen him again, as far as I know.

We are not alone – believe it – and they are among us working and influencing us as best as they can. I feel that there is a moment coming when there will be much more openness by these Beings who are here among us, and I feel that moment is close, as the world is in such a mess.

I have had a couple of other experiences but this one was exceptional for me and I will never forget the compassion I felt in that moment.

~Michael Brine

Other articles of mine can be seen on the following web site. <www.missionignition.net/btb.