When We Get Past This . . .

There’s still so much that both science and religion don’t know, and I think it’s more honest to acknowledge this and say, “You know, we really don’t understand how this (or that) happened. Everything’s a theory at this point.” If any of us ever do stumble upon ‘the truth,’ it will probably be the physicists with a spiritual leaning. Even now, they’ve discovered we consist of vibrating atoms that are made up of mostly empty space. We’re not really ‘solids.’ Isn’t that cool? Is the empty space where our souls reside? I don’t know, but why not tell our children the truth and encourage them to (ad)venture forth and discover?

I think we’re spiritual beings with the potential for insight and connections so wonderful that the next hundred years of discoveries could boggle our minds–if we can plow through the current wave of darkness sweeping over us. It’s as if a heavy, dark boot is trying to smother our world, engendering fear and pressing the ‘heart’ out of us. We need to remember: It is only a boot. It is nothing compared to the Light and Love emanating from the heavens, inspiring the light-sparks in our souls.

When we get past this, we will look back and shake our heads, because we have mostly lived like animals, with ‘survival of the fittest’ our credo. In our future, I can see a planet where the hopes and dreams of a woman holding her sick child somewhere in Africa are as important to me as mine are. I mean, why am I more important than her? Why are you? Why should her child not have a safe environment, a decent home, clean water and good food to grow a healthy mind and body?

Maybe ‘survival of the fittest’ was a reaction to this darkness, but we’ve nearly destroyed our beautiful world in so living. Our future is ripe with possibility to transcend the mess we’ve made, to make the next evolutionary leap. We probably still won’t know everything (that would be boring, anyway), but maybe we’ll work out how to get along, how to create communities of loving environments, with family and friends and access to education, health care and meaningful work. Maybe our condition won’t be measured by our material wealth, but by our spiritual wealth.

Now, that’s a dream of the heart worth focusing on.

You Create Your Future, a Guest Post from the 11:11 Progress Group

Alabama USA
December 16, 2010
Received by Oscar

Teacher: “There is a lot of uncertainty in these times due to economic concerns. These are the moments some use to take advantage of the fear in their fellows, and attempt to foster more fear with fatalistic forecasts in order to strengthen their control. Many of you follow the news closely and observe how everything seems to be getting worst.

“You should know that you are the masters of your destiny. It is you who can decide what next will happen in this world. You are the ones who can create your future today. The decisions of the past — your collective decisions — have brought you here. Will you keep thinking the same thoughts and employing the same methods expecting different results?

“In a society as globalized as the present society on Urantia, the mistakes are no longer just the responsibility of a few leaders. Many countries have democratic systems to varying degrees. Many leaders of the most powerful nations are elected by the majorities in their respective countries. It is the duty of every citizen to be informed about the policies and the way of thinking of the leaders they are voting for, since through their being elected they decide the course of action they are supporting, and they are creating the world that will meet future generations.

“This is only the first step, but one that is often ignored by those who don’t take the time to inform themselves, and later blame their governments for the policies implemented — policies which they supported with their votes. The next and more important step is the internal progress — spiritual elevation — where each individual attempts to be better through the intelligent adoration of the Celestial Father and through the progressive communion with the presence of the Father in the heart and mind of each individual. This is the true engine that will move progress of civilization to heights not yet conceived in this world, when the government of men will move aside to install the government of God on Earth, because every human being would have reached self-mastery, self-governance, and will be motivated to serve their fellows by the spontaneous love that overflows each heart. On that day all problems will disappear.

“The solution to the problems of today, the complex problems festering in this sphere, depend only on a personal decision of each person in this world, or a significant majority. When a human being decides to search for the Father within, and therefore starts to become the best he or she can be, a new step forward is made towards the age of Light and Life in this world. This is the task facing each one of you today to improve the world you live in. Make your decision.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.


We Are the Answer, a Guest Post from Sharie, Spirit Teacher

Today, tomorrow and Christmas Eve I hope to share Christmas messages full of Love. “Tis the season when the world opens the door once more to the Spirit of Holy Days. Sharie (whose Native Indian name, if she had one, would be Blessing Woman) gave her permission to share this message from her blog, Sending Joy. It will inspire you for weeks to come–I promise. (I’m tuned into these things.) May you be blessed in this holiday season and forever and ever while we’re at it. Amen.

By Sharie, Spirit Teacher
Sending Joy

We are the awe we feel at a glorious sunset or a star filled night.  We are the beauty of a lovely garden, or a snow filled woods. Not the garden or the woods, but the beauty which is a feeling that lives inside us. We are the heart of a lovely song, the picture in the frame, the pinnacle of every fear-filled mountain we’ve ever had to climb. We are the joy in an unguarded moment when something passes over us that surpasses understanding.

We are the deep happiness we feel when we get it, even for an instant, that God is alive and well and no matter how it looks, all is right with the world. We are a holy instant when time stands still and space is limitless and we can see through the fear, the pain, the doubts, the darkness to a place of light and delight, and then, with great relief, feel all our burdens lifted from us. We are weightless.  We are ageless.  We are the kindness in a moment when we connect with someone unexpectedly and feel compassion and empathy. We are a gift to the world and the world is a gift to us. We are a blessing who can bless.  We are a savior who can save.  We are a healed healer. We are the answer to every question. The question to every answer. We are every lesson learned.