“Seek Find Be Light” from Notes Along the Path

I’ve gathered posts (from this blog) about my spiritual journey back into the Light into an E-book called “Seek Find Be Light.” I pray reading it will help others the way receiving these loving messages helped me to heal. It can be downloaded, free, at Smashwords.

Seek Find Be Light Book Cover 5.16


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I pray these compassionate words make a difference. 🙂

If you have any comments, questions or other thoughts, I hope to hear from you at notesalongthepath@hotmail.com.  God bless us, every one.

Pam Bickell

A Surprise Visitor of Light in Glastonbury, a Guest Post by Michael Brine

town squareBy Michael Brine

I was visiting Glastonbury in England in 2003 which is well known for psychic/spiritual events in the past as you likely know: King Arthur and all that, and that the cup of the Last Supper is reportedly buried there in what is called Chalice Hill. That’s another story.

It was just before the U.S. was going into Iraq and a group of about 20 of us had agreed to meet at noon in a village square — not the main one as that would have been a bit too public — to send out our thoughts for peace. Just as we were beginning to hold hands in a circle a young chap ran up and, looking at me, asked if he could join and of course, we said yes. He came between me and another and we proceeded with our silence.

When it was over a few of my closer friends were arranging to meet that evening to go out to a local pub a few miles out of Glastonbury. We arranged to meet in the village square at 5:30 and go out in two cars to the pub. This young guy asked if he could join us looking at me and of course, again, we said yes. We met at 5:30 and went out to the pub for supper and to share our thoughts.

While we were there exchanging our thoughts I noticed that this chap sat quietly listening but not saying much. He seemed quite absorbed with our conversations. I liked him. Anyway, eventually it was time to go back to Glastonbury and get our cars. On the way back one of the chaps asked me quietly not to tell this fellow where he lived as he felt he might show up asking for a place to stay and maybe some food. I was surprised as I didn’t feel that way about him at all — but I agreed.

When we were saying our final goodnights in the Village square, this young chap came quietly over to me and as he approached I saw a powerful white light go from his heart centre straight into mine; I felt Love as I had never felt it before. Then he quietly left. No one else witnessed this experience as I was standing a bit away from the rest, and no one has seen him since. I have never forgotten.


Native American Wisdom:

“Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the Universe and all its powers, and when they realize that  — the centre of the Universe — is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”

                                                                                           ~Black Elk, Oglata Lakota, 1947

Other articles by this writer maybe found on:  www.missionignition.net/btb

Michael Brine’s e-mail address is: wild.brine621@gmail.com

AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda, a Guest Post About the New Film

I am very happy to post this information about a new film that details the life of Paramahansa Yogananda. I cannot wait to see it myself, for it was the writings of the Swami from India that opened my heart to Jesus Christ. Just as Christ did, Paramahansa Yogananda embodied divine love on Earth.

AWAKE_POSTER_11x17_GOLD-rgbA_18JUL14-smallOn January 5, 2015, tens of thousands of yogis and spiritual seekers around the world will commemorate the anniversary of Paramahansa Yogananda’s birth. Yogananda (author of the acclaimed spiritual book Autobiography of a Yogi) has been hailed as the “Father of Yoga in the West” for his pioneering role in making known India’s ancient philosophy of Yoga and its time-honored tradition of meditation.

Just as Yogananda (1893-1952) filled lecture halls to capacity across the country in the 1920s and 1930s to teach the techniques and benefits of yoga meditation, the film about his extraordinary life, AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda, is drawing thousands of filmgoers to theatres around the country today.

The award-winning film, AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda, which debuted in October 2014, details the human struggles the Swami from India faced as he traveled across the U.S. during a time of religious intolerance and racism, as well as the profound impact that his teachings still have today. He made an indelible impression on the spiritual landscape of the United States by encouraging people to seek a more personal relationship with God through meditation, a radical idea in the early 20th century. The film’s success continues to grow as spiritual seekers, yogis, and film fans alike flock to theatres across North America.

With so many seekers focused on this beloved spiritual figure’s yoga teachings as a result of the film (which has screened or is scheduled to screen in more than 85 theaters in the U.S. and Canada), the following excerpt  taken from his published writings is especially relevant as we enter the New Year:

“If you want to be loved, start loving others who need your love….If you want others to sympathize with you, start showing sympathy to those around you. If you want to be respected, you must learn to be respectful to everyone, both young and old….Whatever you want others to be, first be that yourself; then you will find others responding in like manner to you.” – Paramahansa Yogananda

The Second Coming of ChristAnother timely work is Paramahansa Yogananda’s unprecedented masterwork of inspiration, The Second Coming of Christ, which takes the reader on a profoundly enriching journey through the four Christian Gospels. Verse by verse, he illumines the universal path to oneness with God taught by Jesus to his immediate disciples but obscured through centuries of misinterpretation: how to become like Christ, how to resurrect the Eternal Christ within one’s self.

This landmark work transcends divisive sectarianism to reveal a unifying harmony underlying all true religions. A groundbreaking synthesis of East and West, it imparts the life-transforming realization that each of us can experience for ourselves the promised Second Coming — awakening of the all-fulfilling Divine Consciousness latent within our souls.

Yogananda said, “In titling this work The Second Coming of Christ, I am not referring to a literal return of Jesus to earth. He came two thousand years ago and, after imparting a universal path to God’s kingdom, was crucified and resurrected; his reappearance to the masses now is not necessary for the fulfillment of his teachings. What is necessary is for the cosmic wisdom and divine perception of Jesus to speak again through each one’s own experience and understanding of the infinite Christ Consciousness that was incarnate in Jesus. That will be his true Second Coming.”

For more information about the movie, click on www.awaketheyoganandamovie.com. To learn more about Paramahansa Yogananda and the organization he established, the Self Realization Fellowship, go to http://www.yogananda-srf.org.