Connection, Compassion and Love, A Guest Post By Michael Brine, Mike Hopkins and Maggie

As difficult as the news is every day, as much as the media has a need to keep us informed of dark, depressing matters, there is equal goodness all around us. (I know that a good deal of us have suffered losses that can only be measured in tears, and that the pain can linger. When enough time has passed, we take little steps back into life, working up the courage to take a swing at living again. I guess that’s the point–that we all know what loss is and yet, most of us get through it and carry on anyway. Really, what are our alternatives?)

Here my amazing online friends share here their tender stories of connection, compassion and love, for wherever there is union and healing, there is Love. We must all remember our own stories of care and goodness, both given and received, and we must share them, for they are needed now. We must share our stories until they become a Love-tsunami more powerful than any of the physical kind. The miracle of being alive now is the miracle of healing. We are all called to share great Love and oneness with each other and All That Is. We are called!

Here is a correspondence between Mike Hopkins, Michael Brine and Maggie. Continue reading

A Surprise Visitor of Light in Glastonbury, a Guest Post by Michael Brine

town squareBy Michael Brine

I was visiting Glastonbury in England in 2003 which is well known for psychic/spiritual events in the past as you likely know: King Arthur and all that, and that the cup of the Last Supper is reportedly buried there in what is called Chalice Hill. That’s another story.

It was just before the U.S. was going into Iraq and a group of about 20 of us had agreed to meet at noon in a village square — not the main one as that would have been a bit too public — to send out our thoughts for peace. Just as we were beginning to hold hands in a circle a young chap ran up and, looking at me, asked if he could join and of course, we said yes. He came between me and another and we proceeded with our silence.

When it was over a few of my closer friends were arranging to meet that evening to go out to a local pub a few miles out of Glastonbury. We arranged to meet in the village square at 5:30 and go out in two cars to the pub. This young guy asked if he could join us looking at me and of course, again, we said yes. We met at 5:30 and went out to the pub for supper and to share our thoughts.

While we were there exchanging our thoughts I noticed that this chap sat quietly listening but not saying much. He seemed quite absorbed with our conversations. I liked him. Anyway, eventually it was time to go back to Glastonbury and get our cars. On the way back one of the chaps asked me quietly not to tell this fellow where he lived as he felt he might show up asking for a place to stay and maybe some food. I was surprised as I didn’t feel that way about him at all — but I agreed.

When we were saying our final goodnights in the Village square, this young chap came quietly over to me and as he approached I saw a powerful white light go from his heart centre straight into mine; I felt Love as I had never felt it before. Then he quietly left. No one else witnessed this experience as I was standing a bit away from the rest, and no one has seen him since. I have never forgotten.


Native American Wisdom:

“Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the Universe and all its powers, and when they realize that  — the centre of the Universe — is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”

                                                                                           ~Black Elk, Oglata Lakota, 1947

Other articles by this writer maybe found on:

Michael Brine’s e-mail address is:

Restoring Balance and Harmony Benefits Women and Men, A Guest Post by Michael Brine

A Guest Post from Michael Brine:

woman and childWhat is “God?”

What God is can best be described as the collectiveness of mankind, whether seen or unseen, and in the virtue of mankind’s existence, God, through that description, is unconditional and open-ended Love – because in the realisation of what God is is the realisation of what we are – that we are God and we always have been. That we are not evil or corrupt in our souls, as we have been taught. That we are really divine in our souls and with that learning – that profoundness of learning – it allows us the vision, the hope, the desire to become all that we can be, which is unlimited probability. That gets us out of the harshness of our own creations and gives us hope.

It teaches us how to love!

~Author unknown

Quoted from Servers of the Divine Plan on Male/Female Imbalance:

“It is evident that there has been an extreme patriarchal imbalance upon Earth for a very long time. The innate creative and intuitive qualities of the feminine spirit have been long-feared by distorted male perception, and as a result women have been repressed, dominated and persecuted throughout history. In order to bring equilibrium in a world that has known so much control by the male force, the majority of Server-souls upon Earth at this time have chosen to incarnate in female bodies. As agents of change, these valiant envoys of the New Spirit bring to the planet a very high concentration of feminine power that will presently resolve the  patriarchal problem upon Earth once and for all, restoring much needed balance and harmony that will benefit everyone in the New World, both women AND men. During the time leading up to the Great Transition, however, and since male authority is still presently the controlling power, female Servers will continue to experience something of the anguish of the collective persecution endured by so many women over the ages. Nonetheless, they are assured that their long awaited time of liberation and victory is today at hand.”

From Michael Brine:

I fully realise that some of the material I present in my columns may cause some readers to feel uncomfortable – even annoyed. It is not done to annoy but to suggest that perhaps there are other ways to view life. The world is passing through very disturbing times and much of this disturbance is being caused by severe religious differences. These differences are mostly caused by some of the more extreme followers of the three Abraham based religions – Islam, Judaism and Christianity. I imagine that the persons who originally gave of their wisdom those many years ago must be shaking their collective heads in great sadness when they witness how men have so corrupted their simple teachings such as, “Love ye one another,” and “Judge not.” Sadly, judgment would seem to have become a constant in all three.

Let me leave it at that – but I ask you to think about it.

Be well,

Michael Brine

If you wish to comment my e-mail address is: wild.brine621@gmail com.  Other writings of mine may be accessed at:

Jiddu Krishnamurti, His Life and Work, An Overview, A Guest Post By Michael Brine

By Michael Brine 

In today’s world, would this be a voice crying in the wilderness?

Young Krishnamurti, image courtesy of Google images

Young Krishnamurti, image courtesy of Google images

Krishnamurti was born in Madanapalle, a small town in South India, on May 11, 1895. He and his brother were adopted in their youth by Dr. Annie Besant, then president of the Theosophical Society. Dr. Besant and others proclaimed that Krishnamurti was to be a world teacher whose coming the Theosophical Society had predicted. To prepare the world for this coming, a worldwide organization called the Order of the Star in the East was formed and the young Krishnamurti was made its head.

In 1929, however, Krishnamurti renounced the role that he was expected to play, dissolved the Order with its huge following, and returned the money and property that had been donated for this work. From then on, for nearly sixty years until his death on 17th February 1986, he travelled throughout the world talking to individuals and large audiences about the need for a radical change in mankind.

Krishnamurti is regarded globally as one of the greatest thinkers and spiritual teachers of all time. He did not expound any philosophy or religion, but rather talked of the things that concern all of us in our everyday lives, of the problems of living in modern society with its violence and corruption, of the individual’s search for security and happiness, and the need for mankind to free itself from inner burdens of fear, anger, hurt and sorrow. He explained with great precision the subtle workings of the human mind, and pointed out the need for bringing to our daily life a deeply meditative and spiritual quality.

Krishnamurti belonged to no religious organization, sect or country, nor did he subscribe to any school of political or ideological thought. On the contrary, he maintained that these are the very factors that divide human beings and bring about conflict and war. He reminded his listeners again and again that we are all human beings first, not Hindus, Muslims or Christians, and that we each are like the rest of humanity—not different from one another. He asked that we tread lightly on this earth without destroying ourselves or the environment. He communicated to his listeners a deep sense of respect for nature. His teachings transcend manmade belief systems, nationalistic sentiment and sectarianism. At the same time, they gave new meaning and direction to mankind’s search for truth. His teaching, besides being relevant to the modern age, is timeless and universal.

Krishnamurti, Image courtesy of Google images

Krishnamurti, Image courtesy of Google images

Krishnamurti spoke not as a guru but as a friend, and his talks and discussions are based not on tradition-based knowledge but on his own insights into the human mind and his vision of the sacred, so he always communicates a sense of freshness and directness although the essence of his message remained unchanged over the years. When he addressed large audiences, people felt that Krishnamurti was talking to each of them personally, addressing his or her particular problem. In his private interviews, he was a compassionate teacher, listening attentively to the man or women who came to him in sorrow, and encouraging them to heal themselves through their own understanding. Religious schools found that his words threw new light on traditional concepts. Krishnamurti took on the challenge of modern scientists and psychologists and went with them step-by-step to discuss their theories and sometimes enabled them to discern the limitations of those theories. If ever there was a message that needs to be heard in today’s world, it is his.

I lived and worked in Malaysia for several years in the late 1950s, during my banking career. Along with several others, we founded a Lodge of the Theosophical Society in that country, and I can say without reservation that we held Krishnamurti in the highest regard.

Please feel free to communicate with me. Past articles are also available at:

Servers of the Divine Plan, A Guest Post from Michael Brine

From Michael Brine 

I am attaching two quotes today, the first from the Servers of the Divine Plan, called “The Aquarian Passion Play,” 2nd Edition, which was published in 1999. This group was located in the western regions of Australia in the 1990’s but they have disappeared, or perhaps more correctly, departed. Who they really were I’ll leave to you, but their wisdom says it all – at least to me.

Second is a quote from the wise man, Kahlil Gibran. It is not from his book, THE PROPHET, but another of his books which, at the moment, I cannot remember. Almost 79! Enjoy. 🙂

Aquarius“Many Servers who have incarnated primarily to aid in humanity’s transition at this time are just now, today, becoming aware of the close attendance of a vast array of Cosmic Intelligences who are hidden to most, the exalted ranks to which they inherently belong. As vague yet familiar senses begin to form within their minds in accord with a predetermined and revolutionary process of remembrance that is presently being accelerated throughout the world, these Servers are beginning to consciously feel a sense of enormous purpose and urgency in their lives. Their necessarily imposed veil of forgetfulness is being lifted today by unseen hands, and their memories and higher spiritual faculties are returning to them. The Servers are reawakening in preparation for the execution of a grand and noble work, the ramifications of which bear universal significance. They are beginning to recall the purpose of their duty to humanity and to planet Earth, and are remembering that they are an essential part of a vast collective effort, and a tremendously important task, the scope of which stretches back across millions of years and a myriad of past incarnations upon Earth and elsewhere, all geared toward the now imminent and conclusive glory. In their partial remembrance thus far, the Servers are perceiving with great felicity that they are about to realize the grand consummation of a vital phase of the Divine Plan for Earth, the solar system and beyond, the result of which shall cast life-enhancing reverberations throughout the universe –  Past and Future.”

~The Aquarian Passion Play

Kahlil Gibran“I tell you that the children of yesteryear are walking in the funeral of the era which they created for themselves. They are putting a rotting rope that may break soon and cause them to drop into a forgotten abyss. I say that they are living in homes with weak foundations. As the storm blows – and it is about to blow – their homes will fall upon their heads and thus become their tombs. I say that all their thoughts, their sayings, their quarrels, their compositions, their books and all their works are nothing but chains dragging them because they are too weak to pull the load – but the children of tomorrow are the ones called by life, and they follow it with steady steps and heads high. They are the dawn of the new frontiers; no smoke will veil their eyes and no jingle of chains will drown out their voices. They are few in number but the difference is as a grain of wheat and a stack of hay. No one knows them but they know each other. They are like the summits, which can see and hear each other – not the caves, which cannot hear or see. They are the seed dropped by the hand of God in the field, breaking through its pod and waving its sapling leaves before the face of the sun. It shall grow into a mighty tree, its roots in the heart of the Earth and its branches high in the sky.”

~Kahlil Gibran

Signs of the Times, a Guest Post by Michael Brine


Change is coming

Change is coming

By Michael Brine

We live in very demanding and certainly changing times. In my life’s journey – now 78 – I have had the good fortune to travel and live in other countries and cultures outside of Western domination. I have also been especially interested and aware of the indigenous cultures across our world, in particular the Mayan People and the Hopi. They, as with the Australian Aborigines, have indeed pinpointed our time period as one of major change. In our Western, Caucasian, ‘all-knowing’ arrogance, we dismiss the insights of indigenous peoples, who have ancient, yet similar, observations relating to this time period.

How can we ignore them?

I think we can agree that cycles are a fact and are observable in many areas of our lives. Seasons come and go – the moon – the tides of the oceans – women’s menstrual cycles – our own life cycle of 90-years plus/minus – the movement of the stars – Ice Ages – we live within cycles great and small. Is it not possible that our indigenous peoples might have known or know something that we disregard?

Let us look at other factors we are ignoring that indicate major changes could be on the horizon. At the turn of the last century there were around 1.5 billion people on the planet. In just 114 years we have reached eight billion! This exponential increase is now at a crisis level and we are running out of space. Food prices rise as it becomes increasingly difficult to produce enough to feed the world’s growing population – ie: Thailand, a major rice exporter has now stopped exporting rice, I believe because it is concerned about having enough rice to feed its own people.

This may just be the start of a growing protectionist attitude emerging within different countries to protect their own as the situation becomes increasingly critical. In this respect we in Canada are particularly vulnerable as we only produce about twenty percent of our food needs and import eighty percent. The reverse is true in Russia – a geographical area not dissimilar to our own – in which they produce eighty percent of their needs and import twenty percent! Seeing these figures should serve as a wake-up call to Canadians – yes?

Weather anomalies across the globe are another element adding to this growing crisis and that includes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that are becoming more frequent. Here in Canada we have been, to a large extent, saved from much of this, but that is changing. Nor are lines on a map going to protect any of us from weather catastrophes.

On top of all this, we continue to face a global financial crisis as the existing system outgrows itself and dishonesty great and small is exposed. Indeed, this system has exposed our vulnerabilities as nations threatened with collapse, and as individuals who struggle with temptations which acted upon seriously harm others. Politicians are at a loss as to how to resolve these crises and have engineered ‘solutions’ that are only compounding the fragility of it all. We are now at a tipping point in this bankers’ illusory world. People are aware of the behaviour of the Banking Industry, et al, if only subconsciously, increasing fear with respect to financial survival almost everywhere.

One final observation: Since the time of the ancient pharaohs of Egypt, we have lived in a Patriarchal Age in which women have been largely “dumbed” down and we have been ruled by little boys who behave like bullies in the school yard. We have clear examples of this in today’s world in Iran and North Korea, as well as the sad Afghanistan situation, and of course, Syria, to name a few more obvious instances. This attitude prevails across the world in most countries, albeit more subtly.

However, as we move from the Patriarchal Age to the Aquarian Age we will see the Divine Feminine emerging to take its true place in these coming times, with women recognized as equals, in societies that focus on moving towards a world of Community in which we all work together – men and women – within our personal arenas, be they small or large, and not competing against each other as we do now in societies built around finances. I also feel that those ‘lines on a map’ that separate us will all disappear. Indeed we ARE all one humanity and we need to recognise this as we move forward into the coming age.

Perhaps what our Indigenous peoples, through their Shamans, have known is that with the ending of this 26,000 year cycle we will observe a cleansing of the garbage we have accumulated throughout this passing age. You cannot build a new building on a rotten foundation. I have observed more and more ‘ordinary’ people are waking up to this accumulated ‘garbage’ factor – largely thanks to the internet – that has controlled humanity through this last age, and people are saying, “Enough is Enough!”

I write this not to create fear. I am providing information, at least as I see it. What you do with that information is up to you. I suggest we hang onto our hats and go for the ride!

“Beyond right and wrong there is a field. I will meet you there.”  ~Rumi

My best,
Michael Brine

Connecting with Off-Worlders, a Guest Post by Michael Brine

By Michael Brine

We are not alone.

In this article, I describe encounters with persons or beings not from Earth. I use the designation, “Off-Worlders” in preference to “Aliens,” as I do not consider beings from other planets or dimensions, alien. They are all part of this universe we live in.

1] The first memorable event happened when I was 14 in 1949 and chasing a stolen car – a story for another time. I had little driving experience and it was starting to rain when I hit a corner going 70 mph. I skidded across the road and hit a tree, driving the motor up into my front seat. At the moment of impact, I was held above the car in what I can only call a bubble. The car was a write-off. I was unhurt. To this day no one knows how I survived without a scratch.

2] In 1999, I was in Tasmania, Australia, taking a course in Reiki, which included reading about the history of Reiki. Some felt that there was evidence to suggest that Reiki had been given to humanity in ages past by Off-Worlders who had visited us centuries ago. This caught my attention as it rang true for me.

We are not alone.

We are not alone.

I concluded the course; my teacher, who had tested and passed me, was standing behind me giving me a kind of blessing. All of a sudden, a white light came through the ceiling and I heard a voice say, “You are not forgotten!” This was not a message just for me; I felt it was for all of humanity. This led me to believe that we may well have been seeded here from another part of this universe some tens of thousands of years back in time.

3] In 2003, I was visiting England seeing friends and was down in famous Glastonbury in Somerset. This was at the time when the US was sending troops into Iraq and we all felt that was a bad idea. A group of us agreed to meet in a small village square off the main square at noon the next day, to send out prayers for peace. There were about 15 of us and we had gathered in a circle holding hands when a young chap came running up. He looked at me and asked if he could join us. Of course, we said yes and he came in between myself and another. Then we did our thing. When it was over some of us spoke about going out to a pub for supper and to have an evening together. This young chap asked if he could join us. We agreed and arranged to meet again in the village square at 5:30. We took several cars, as the pub was about ten miles out of town. It was called “The Apple Tree.”

Fortunately, there was an empty room with a fire going when we got there. We sat and ordered some food and started sharing our thoughts. We were there for about two hours. The young chap sat on a shelf that extended beyond the fireplace. Throughout this time, I noticed that he listened intently to our sharings but said very little.

Finally, we left and drove back to Glastonbury to pick up our other cars. I had said my ‘Goodnights’ and was standing alone by my friend’s car when this young chap came silently over to me. As he approached, I saw a bolt of white light come from his heart centre straight into mine. I felt Love as I had never felt it before or since. As others completed their goodbyes, he quietly walked away. The next day I asked if anyone knew him but nobody did and, as far as I know, he was never seen again. From this experience alone, I know they are amongst us.

4] Back in 1961, while on six months leave from my banking employer, I had been up in London with a friend to see a play. We were driving back to Glastonbury and were crossing Salisbury Plane at about 1am – an area in which so many crop circles appear – when I saw what looked like a long train approaching from the right, crossing a bridge in front of us. Only I suddenly realised there was no bridge in front of us, nor any railway in the area! I stopped the car and both of us watched in amazement as this huge ‘plane’ passed slowly across the road in front of us in absolute silence. Let me add there was no landing site anywhere near this location, nor any military bases. Hhmmm . . . we are definitely not alone!

P.S. Let me be clear. Over the years I have met other ‘fellow travelers’ who have experienced connecting with these beautiful beings from other parts of our universe who live amongst us – learning about us – and showing themselves as and when they feel it is appropriate. So, I have decided to take a bit of a risk and go public with my experiences in the hope it will have some influence in opening minds to the fact that we are not alone!

Other writings of mine can be accessed at:

Our Need for the Divine Feminine and the Great Dark Cloud, A Guest Post from Michael Brine

By Michael Brine

We have created an unbalanced world because we allow rule by dominant male energy, which so often ignores the nurturing and compassionate energy of feminine energy and the Divine Feminine.We have also given our power to some of the most divisive religions imaginable. By all means, enjoy your own religious/spiritual beliefs but when we attempt to impose these beliefs on others–often creating war in doing so–we cross a line we should not cross. Each soul born on earth is born to choose his or her own walk. We only have to look at the Middle East to see this sad situation at its worst. However, it also exists within our own societies and grows less subtle each day.

Regarding the issue of living in a harmonious word, we also need ask ourselves if it is necessary to kill other life forms to satisfy our appetites. As I leave these ideas with you, I include below an important message from The Aquarian Passion Play.

Thank you ,
Michael Brine

The Planetary Deadline  from The Aquarian Passion Play

“If we could look down from outer space upon the Earth with clairvoyant vision we would see the auric field of the planet as a murky ball of seething mist and fog. We might stand aghast at beholding this great dark cloud of subtle matter, which would evidence itself to be of a density and thickness that indicated not only impenetrability but also those conditions that are unfavourable to life and which make all things appear unclear and distorted.

Thus it would be appreciated that there is a pressing need for change and global decontamination, for preparation for all those upon Earth who would be ready to weather well the approaching purificatory storm and, moreover, who would take advantage of it. The effects of the cumulative and harmful thought-patterns and attitudes of humanity are pervasive worldwide, and are sorely evident today not only in the lives of mankind, but also upon the physical planet.

Man has generally treated the Earth with gross disrespect for far too long. He has regarded his home together with its mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms most carelessly, and has repeatedly demonstrated an attitude of negligence that expresses the erroneous view that the resources of the planet are for his own selfish use and exploitation alone. Humanity, as a whole, has completely overlooked the fact that Mother Earth – Gaia – is a spiritual being, engaged in her own evolutionary development, and lovingly endeavours to provide a perfectly balanced environment for the peaceful and harmonious existence of multifarious life-forms, including human beings.”

Life: A Journey of Discovery, a Guest Post by Michael Brine

By Michael Brine

lost in woods“The theme of the Grail story is the bringing of life into the wasteland .The wasteland is people out of authenticity, living someone else’s life path. Upon entering the forest where it is the darkest, there is no path. Those who can see and enter the Castle of the Grail are those with spiritual readiness.”
                                                                       ~Joseph Campbell

I offer here an extract from a letter I recently wrote to a friend:

“Once we are consciously aware that life is a “Journey of Discovery” we will be drawn, from time to time on that Journey, to “teachers” or individuals we feel are more aware than we are and from whom we can learn and benefit by connecting with them. As I have journeyed in my own life, I have had the incredible benefit of several teachers who have pushed me on – and who, when I look back, knew when it was time to kick me out of the their nest, lest I become too comfortable in it. By giving my power away to them, I would begin to stagnate. By kicking me out there has been a period of simply ‘travelling’ with the necessary opportunities of living what I had learned from that teacher. In other words, putting it to the test by being out of the classroom.

In time another would appear to whom I would be drawn and again the help is given to inspire and motivate me to further the unfolding of that we search for – only to begin to realize that we have always been ‘there’ and each teacher helped to remove another layer of the blindfolds! These are the True teachers for there is no thought of self-aggrandizement or glorification , only a profound love and dedication to the Journey and all that It means.

Those “teachers” who attempt to hang on to students and attempt to draw others into their nest are not those whom I seek – nor, I suspect, do you.”

Other writings by Michael Brine, or sharings such as this, can be accessed on the following web site . His e-mail address is <> if you wish to make any comments to him.

A Precipice and Changes in Consciousness, a Guest Submission from Michael Brine

From Michael Brine

Dear Readers,

woman at precipiceI have attached three selections from the book, Through the Looking Glass, by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf, Part Two. I hope they will help you to better understand the times in which we live.

“Humanity sits poised at a precipice; in front of us is an undeterminable pathway, behind us is the shell of a decaying age. We are at the crossroads of our experience; already actions, as well as thinking processes, are being set which will determine the nature of a new and extraordinary destiny. Our survival as a thinking species and, as well, all living things upon the Earth, now hangs in the mercy of the Winds of Change . . . winds that no longer blow quiet warnings; rather they carry with them a somewhat foreboding message and always deliver a swift altering of our contrived reality through extremely volatile occurrences.

The Division Bell has rung and marks and denotes the polarities of consciousness as we experience conflicts within ourselves, our thoughts, moral values and the everyday dealing with a society that seems to suffer from a total absence of value and ethics. Society as a whole is drawn into the spin, created of a controlled media.”

“Disease and Pharmaceutical/Allopathic Medical Corruption: Many corrupt corporate demigods, who have plundered an unsuspecting world, sometimes defenseless third world populations, have created an entire generation of peoples addicted to their chemical dependencies, “Drugs for Health,” thus enslaving them, creating predictable life spans.

Finally, a quote from the section: “History Rewritten: Human Evolution and Starseed Movement: There will be a series of explorations revealing our true relation to those who come from the stars. At first these discoveries will be opposed by organized religions who will then embrace them in the face of proven scientific evidence. This will cause a further breaking down in the influence of traditional religious doctrines. The revealing of ancient documents and artifacts will be proof that the Nazarene’s influence upon mankind was far more involved and known amongst the world’s people than previously perceived.”

My intent with this column is to get us thinking outside the proverbial “Box” we have been conditioned to believe, by presenting the thoughts of those who I have learned to respect. Whether or not you choose to consider these ideas is your choice, of course.

Comments are certainly welcome, including critics, either here or at my e-mail address:  Other writings  by and materials from Michael Brine maybe viewed and here at:

Thank you. Be well.

Michael Brine

Fertile Imagination or Reality?

From Michael Brine

In his book, The Silent Road, by Major Wellesley Tudor Pole, c.1960, he wrote the following as his ‘Forward.’ In view of my more recent revelations relating to Off Worlders (Aliens, if you must!), it seems timely to quote this remarkable man once again, with whom I had the privilege of working, all too briefly, in 1961/62.

Wellesley Tudor Pole circa 1965

Wellesley Tudor Pole circa 1965

“Recognition of the truth or value of the supernatural experiences recorded in this book cannot be communicated by the author to his readers.

Awareness of reality must inevitably be reached interiorly. For this reason I have no desire to bring conviction to those who may regard what I have written as being incredible or the product of a fertile imagination. It is well, however, to remind ourselves occasionally that in almost every field of research the so called fantasies of yesterday often become the facts of today. The horizons of the mind are not fixed: they are expanding ceaselessly. Therefore it is suggested that what I have recorded should be read with a mind free from preconceived ideas or set opinions. The search for Truth is a personal and solitary adventure. All we can do is to share ideas with one another, in the hope that by doing so, the light of understanding may bring us a little nearer to Reality. In the long run it is through silence, and not through speech, that Revelation is received.”

~W.T.P., London, SW1, England, 1960

P.S. – Tudor Pole worked with the King and Churchill during the 2nd WW. It was he who started the Silent Minute in which the whole British Nation would stop at 9:00 each night before the news and send out prayers for peace. After the war, while questioning some of the German Gestapo Officers, one was asked, “Why do you think Germany lost the war?” His reply: “You had something we could not defeat – Your Silent Minute!”


Other sharings and writings by Michael Brine can be found at:

Now is the Time to Choose, By Michael Brine

father child handsBy Michael Brine

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no person could have dreamed would have come their way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!”


 “When Love and Power unite Almighty Grace endows Mankind.” Schuler

Humanity has moved into a critical period of time. Before us stand two portals. We have a choice. One is to repeat the mind-set of the past several thousand years, and thus keep digging an ever-deepening grave – OR – we can embark on a new and exciting adventure into, as yet, largely unchartered waters. The choice is ours – as a species – as individuals.

The past is laid out before us, in this moment in time, to reflect on all its horrors and tragedies. In our blindness, we have sadly contributed to it, in most cases out of ignorance, blindly following the cultural conditioning in which we have been raised, as were our parents and their parents back, back into the mists of darker times.

Continue reading

The Winds of Change, A Guest Post by Michael Brine

“Today man stands at the decisive crossroads of his fate.”
Major Wellesley Tudor Pole – 1960

By Michael Brine

The “Winds of Change” are blowing across this world of ours and it is because of an awareness of this that I have chosen to write these articles over the last several years. I am fully aware that there are those who may question my ideas, or that I touch on sensitive issues relating to their faiths, perhaps creating some discomfort. No insults intended. Happily, I also know from responses I’ve had, that there are a good many who are supportive and even intrigued by some of the insights penned. This, of course, is encouraging.

Let me be clear. These “insights” are not just mine; they are shared by many others around the world. This realisation is because of the new element we are able to use in this ‘modern’ world we now share – the Internet! In the past, many of us felt we were operating in isolation, but the internet has brought us all together and with the happy awareness that we are not alone in our understanding.

The old ways no longer serve us. We must be open to change. Like it or not, change is happening. Its intensity will only be increasing as we move forward into this new awareness that is lighting the path now unfolding before us. The litter we are leaving behind must be seen for what it was, and the damage it has done to the human psyche. Control through fear can only exist in darkness. A new light dawns. A new awareness is being felt. The darkness is fading, and a new dawn is spreading its Light across the world. Hope is being replaced by a new inward surge of understanding and an inner awareness that is beyond words: Love.

It all boils down to awareness – awareness – awareness! Searching for a clearer path and knowing has been an interesting journey for me. Opportunities came and went, and like a dog I would sniff the air, put my nose to the ground and follow a particular scent, check it out, piss on the odd tree, and then move on–or not. It all boiled down to awareness!

I now realise that there is no room for me to distrust or to give my power to fear; instead, I have compassion for how much unawareness there is–part of the sad conditioning of sick civilisations that are in need of undressing. By this I mean, throwing away our soiled clothes, spreading our arms, and welcoming the breeze of Love that can now begin to caress us in a warm embrace. We have to trust enough to risk undressing, exposing our vulnerabilities with AWARENESS! Until we can do this, mistrust will continue to be the influence and we will bow our heads and weep.

We only have to look at Syria or Iran and their pathetic leaders to see the seeds of distrust once again sickening their people, as well as humanity as a whole, into another ocean of despair. Once again, we see the religions mankind–and I mean ‘mankind’–has created, purposely gaining control through fear. Once again history repeats itself, and we have learned nothing, OR have we? Those beautiful and special Messengers of the past that have blessed humanity have had their messages of Love so disembowelled to satisfy a lust for power by men that it has divided us from each other–sadly, so very successfully. Satan himself couldn’t have done a better job!

Well, now wait – listen — there is a “Cleansing” about to take place the likes of which we have never seen on this Earth before. In the meantime those who are waking up and have garnered a degree of awareness must sit on the sidelines and watch in sadness once again, as in Syria and Iran, but also sadly at times, even within more individual situations. The amputations of the heart casts a shadow of fear over the human family.

Be prepared. The storm IS coming, and when it has unleashed its fury, it will pass; then there will be a silence across the lands and oceans, the likes of which have never been experienced before. Then – slowly — there will be a slight breeze that will begin to caress us – and like a quiet whisper we will begin to hear its gentle voice – and our awakening to a new dawn will hopefully begin. A new Sun will begin to bathe us in its fresh and gentle light.

In the meantime we must trust who we are and find peace within ourselves, for you are me and I you, and the embrace will go out to enfold us all after the storm. Storms are for cleansing – remember how fresh the air is after one? Remember?

Michael Brine can be contacted at Other articles by this writer can be accessed at:

Standing Firm Against Vaccinations, A Guest Post by Michael Brine

Are vaccinations dangerous?

By Michael Brine

In my Star (local newspaper) column on Friday, March 23rd, I quoted from a disturbing recent revelation about vaccinations uncovered in the U.K. Dr. Sally Macdonald, along with two other government health officials, strongly criticized my stand against vaccination. Their response is a standard criticism put out to silence those who would dare to criticize vaccination. This is nothing new.

Let me state at the outset that I believe in Dr. Macdonald’s integrity and that she sincerely believes what she feels and expressed in support of vaccination, along with the health officials. When we are raised in a culture from our earliest years that tells us vaccination is a way to protect us from harmful diseases, why would we doubt this, especially when it comes from doctors who are there to protect our good health? Indeed, why? First let us look back throughout history when we were told that certain things were absolute, such as the world was flat, only to find out differently when Columbus enlightened us! “Columbus sailed the Ocean blue in fourteen-hundred-and-ninety-two.” There are many other instances.

Believe what you will, but here is my story. Some of you have heard this before so bear with me.

When I was six in 1941, I was given my first vaccination. It was for measles or something – can’t remember what – and shortly after I became extremely ill and was rushed to hospital. This was in Quebec City where my father was stationed with the military. It was discovered that I had spinal and cerebral Meningitis, either of which could be fatal – and I had both! A specialist was hastily flown down from Toronto to try and save my life. To this day I remember, as if it was yesterday, the treatment. I was so ill I was not strong enough to take an anaesthetic, so I was held face down by two strong men so I couldn’t move while the doctor pushed a needle gently but firmly up my spine to draw off the poisons. That doctor saved my life! It was later said that the vaccine came from a bad batch! Hhhmmm.

My second vaccination was when I started in a new boarding school in Ottawa in 1950. I was then 15 and it was determined I hadn’t been vaccinated for something – again can’t recall, mumps I think – and as a result I received my vaccination and promptly went down with a mastoid behind my right ear. They had to operate to remove the accumulated poisons. My hearing in my right ear has suffered slightly ever since.

The third vaccination happened 12 years later when I was working in London, England for the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank – now HSBC – and was getting my second posting to Karachi, Pakistan. While in the U.K. I had become aware of the dangers of vaccination and had gotten a letter from a Harley Street doctor who did not believe in it either. He said in his letter that I was an allergic subject and should not be vaccinated. Before going to Pakistan, I had to be checked by the bank doctor. In the checkup he told me I had to have two vaccinations – Typhoid and Yellow Fever. I showed him my letter. He refused to accept it and told me he’d let me off the Yellow Fever but I had to have the Typhoid. I didn’t want to lose my job so I agreed to the Typhoid. A month or so after arriving in Karachi I went down with Typhoid – and again almost died! Thanks to the Danish Ambassador with whom I was on good terms (because of his daughter) I was moved into his Embassy home and obtained excellent medical treatment, and lived.

I have never been vaccinated since and these were the only diseases/illnesses I have ever suffered—all due to vaccination. As the old saying goes, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating”! I rest my case. I am now almost 77 and healthy except I have to see my Chiropractor every few months to strengthen my back where it’s weakest due to that first operation in Quebec in 1941.

The acceptance of vaccination by our Allopathic medical doctors, to whom society has unconditionally given its power since the 1870s (when it was in competition with two other medical groups at the time) is deeply concerning. It has been suggested that Allopathic medicine high-jacked the proceedings from the other two – another story – which in turn has now been high-jacked by the pharmaceutical industry, whose whole focus is on cure using its ‘cures,’ of course, rather than looking for the causes of so much illness in our North American societies. If you find the cause of something, you know where to start and how to deal with it. However, finding causes is not very profitable for Big Pharma, which is why their focus is always on curing symptoms. Sadly, we have been blinded.

As I’ve said so often, North Americans are the sickest in the world bar none and no recognised authority is asking, Why?! First is the quality of our food – or lack of it. Second, vaccination, which over the last few generations has caused immense damage to our bodies’ immune systems. It has made succeeding generations who inherit the previous generation’s weakened immune system more vulnerable to sicknesses of all sorts. Many of us know this, but what doctorates do we have and who will listen to us? I leave it with you. It’s time we woke up and truly questioned what we have blindly accepted – and yes Dr. Macdonald, that includes you! You are certainly no dummy, but like so many in your profession, you have been blinded and blundered into accepting vaccination as a cure-all, when in fact it is the real underlying cause of so much suffering. Believe it!

Respectively, Michael Brine

Link to the UK report is courtesy of Mike Hopkins at Stranger in a Strange Land.

Read the full article here: