An Inconvenient Truth, a Guest Post by Michael Brine

By Michael Brine,

The Mayans, through their Mayan Calendar, along with other Indigenous races such as the Hopi Indians, are indicating that now is the timeframe in which we are transitioning from the end of this past Patriarchal Age, towards the coming new age we are moving into. In the process, the old male-dominated rulers, religions, financial systems, etc., have outlived their time and are collapsing. To quote the Hopis, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”It is my opinion that if the Mayan Calendar in its essence is correct — and I believe it is — then it is also no surprise that the population on the planet has maxed out concurrently with this “cleansing” period we are witnessing. There are too many people on this planet to feed and nourish everyone properly. Hence, with the added chaotic weather anomalies we are seeing, food is becoming scarcer as crops fail. In the U.S. prices are rising, as they certainly are here in Canada, and also in Europe. It is part of the upheavals triggered by the cyclic time period we are moving through. Once again as I’ve said so often, you cannot build a new building on a rotten foundation! The corrupt and decaying elements we have allowed ourselves to be controlled by will not be part of this ‘new world.’

The situation that existed in Atlantis as its demise neared was that those who were Aware were given the insight to leave before the ‘Storm’ hit. Some went to North Africa (or what we now know as North Africa) and some to South America. Hence the similarity to the Pyramids and the Mayan Temples. Atlantis had become corrupted in a similar way as our world has to-day. I am not certain if this coincided with a cyclic event (which is the case to-day) but if we are to believe Anastasia, there was certainly a major event relating to an Age change. All I can add is that for whatever reason my Buddhist monk knew something was coming as did Major Wellesley Tudor Pole, who I had met around 1961 in Glastonbury, England. The vision I have always had is that after this ‘Storm’ has passed those who are left will re-start civilisation with the awareness to not repeat the errors of the past, but to live and create a world of Communities working together. More than this I cannot say.

All life in our Universe is subject to cycles — the tides of the ocean — the seasons — life spans — the movement of the stars — night and day, and so on. The population maximising concurrently with this transition is part of our planet’s continuing cycle. I believe in this 2011 year, starting in mid-March and in the following months, we are going to witness major disruptions and upheavals right across the world beyond anything we have ever witnessed before. Sadly, I sense many will die, which is why I have advised people who ask me: Move away from large centres of population as there will be much turmoil. I believe that is why my visionary Buddhist Monk — Namjyal Rinpoche — inspired me to move up here to Canada’s north those many years ago–all part of this “cleansing” I refer to. Knowledge is empowering — what we do with that knowledge if it rings a bell within us, is to use our intuition as to how we should proceed — but NEVER out of fear!

In the world that emerges from all this chaos, we will have learned that we need to work in harmony with each other. No lines on a map separating us — but working as communities — no rulers or religions that have so separated us and controlled us, using fear as the poison that has trapped us in our stifling and smothering ‘boxes.’ We can stand tall in the Light, knowing that we are all equally loved and equally lovable, the lion and the lamb lying together in a world we can only dream of at the moment.

I have also removed myself from our conditioned thinking along the lines that, “No God would allow this to happen to His people,” etc. That’s not the way the Universe works — it is governed by the natural world, call it Gaia, but this human concept of some god in a supreme position of power to whom we can ask for mercy, et al., is a myth. Cycles are a part of the existing world we share with other life forms; we are not favourites of some god to be pampered.

On the other hand, if we start to pay attention to our right brain, which is beyond the mind and words, where lives the intuitive, compassionate elements that reside within us all, there is an amazing energy we can sense and tap into which we, with our limited vocabulary, call Love. This is the real me that I listen to and which inspires me. A couple of years ago I was asked to write an article for a magazine on “Silence.” I tried for two days to get something to write on the subject. Nothing came so I gave up on the third day and was sitting at my dining table having a morning cuppa; my mind was silent and these words flowed to me: “Silence is a state of mind. When the mind is still, silence fills the void and a feeling of oneness with all life enfolds you. It is called Love.” This is what I submitted and they printed it on the back cover!

A few last words on the concept of ‘god.’ For reasons readers may understand, there are too many concepts that come up when this ‘god’ word is used. This is not to say I do not feel there is a powerful creative force that exists; rather, I dislike the word ‘god’ because of its associations with manmade religions.

For me, if this creative energy, our Source, is to be truly understood, we have to move into the right brain, the, intuitive, wordless, loving, feeling part of ourselves. From the right brain, we begin to feel a sense of the magnificence of this loving creative force of which we are all a part, as much as It is a part of us. We are indeed all One, seeds in a beautiful creation that is limitless in its enfolding. This is how I can best express the god concept — no words can do It justice.

8 thoughts on “An Inconvenient Truth, a Guest Post by Michael Brine

  1. Michael Brine’c comments should be nothing to fear. He is accurately sharing his insight to everyone as to the inevitable truth about our future. Every major civilization has given us these same messages, stories or prophesies and it is simply this, if we do not begin to love one another and care for each other as beings we will perish. jim

  2. Thank you Jim – I really appreciate your kind words. I must say I hesitated about allowing my personal insights concerning these critical times to be given a public ‘hearing’ but there are times when you feel you just can’t stay silent when you see the mis-direction we, as a global people, have allowed ourselves to be taken in over the last several thousand years. Rather similar to Egypt at this momentus moment in time for them, this too may also be an indication of brighter and happier days to come for us all as we begin to realise we are a global community and are one people! 🙂

    I would also like to thank Pam for her courage in encouraging me to make my thoughts known through her web site. I thank you both deeply. Michael. .

    • Well, none of us knows for sure what’s going to happen in the future, and it’s good to share ideas, hear other viewpoints. Thanks, Michael, for the interesting article.

  3. From an email sent regarding Michael’s Inconvenient Truth:
    Thank you, Michael. Your essay reflects what I feel is coming and the opening up to the highest form of love to which we need to aspire.
    Starting March 13th, Uranus enters the sign of Aries where it will be until March 2019. It will square Pluto between 2012 and 2016, toppling all the old orders, creating chaos, violence, revolution, and invention. The revolution in Egypt, the ancient civilization of origins, is an example of what is to come.

  4. I received in response to my post, An Inconvenient Truth, what follows from a young Chinese friend in Vancouver that is profound and she has given me permission to share it here with others:

    “I enjoyed your post and I wholeheartedly agree that the lesson that we are all learning in this transitional period is necessarily an internal one, especially the conscious movement back to the intelligence of love, which is not a luxury but a most basic necessity for sustaining life.

    In Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the people set up camp in a mandala formation and stacked rocks into the giant shape of a heart —- literally the fallen stones of the old order rebuilt in the image of community and love. How pertinent to your message.

    In my life, the meaning of living through the heart has unfolded for me in astounding ways. I used to think of love as a heightened emotion reserved for sentient beings. I never dreamed it possible to literally feel water as the expression of conscious love, to absorb sunshine as love soaking into my pores, and to hear every rustle in the tree canopy as a ripple of love shivering through the Universe! Haha! In these moments, I feel as if the doors of perception are cleansed and I am a young child again, fully alert and immersed in awe–yet without any grasping at it–and perhaps most importantly, in a state of total ease trusting that all is exactly how it should be in the Universe.

    The rational mind kicks in however and warns me against persuing such a vulnerable and open state of being in daily life, especially in a time when old orders are falling apart. Perhaps I need to be in the bosom of a very wild place to be able to fully reconnect with this state. With this thought, the enigmatic words of my Buddhist teachers come back to me: Wisdom and compassion must be unified and practiced together. Reading your words makes me reflect on this tension–in our movement towards the other side of the brain, what happens to the side that has dominated for so long?

    Should the intuition of the heart be our primary guide right now? Isn’t our “intuition” totally conditioned by the old orders as well?

    Thanks again Michael!! and Happy Rabbit Year! April.”

  5. Yes, April – Balance in all things – I agree, however, when something has been off balance for so long sometimes it has to go to the opposite extreme. In saying this I am reminded how back in the Victorian era in England anything to do with sex was absolutly never discussed or acknowledged. It was almost smothering! So – look what happened later and especially into the ’60s where it all went to the opposite extreme! Now today I would suggest we have more balance in this area – Yes?

    Actually, maybe not 🙂 Oh well, just trying to give an example of how we need to see ‘balance’. Hhhmmm. Maybe that was a bad example! Michael.

  6. THANK YOU ALL! Michael, we all need to know this, yes. Our world is going through big changes – and the more we are aware, the more we can be present with ALL BEINGS while the shift occurs. I am so grateful for your posting and for all the comments. April, I so agree with what your Buddhist teachers said: wisdom and compassion must be unified and practiced together.
    After 6000 years of insanity the time has come for renewed balance between the feminine and the masculine principles of life. It is the ONLY chance we have to heal and sustain life on Gaia. We do know how – we’ve done this before. We may have forgotten – yet more and more of us remember.
    May we all BE THE CHANGE we want to see!
    with love for all beings

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