A Pipe Ceremony and Blessings for the New Year, A Guest Post by Kim P of Afternoon Storm

A beautiful ceremony to say goodbye to the old year and bless the new one, from my friend, Kim P., of the blog, Afternoon Storm. Thanks, Kim!

Photo courtesy of wisconsinhistory.org

Photo courtesy of wisconsinhistory.org

Every year at our home we do a little pipe ceremony just before 12:00 on New Year’s Eve. Often it is just my hubby and I, but sometimes our two kids (who are 19 and 22 now) have joined in. I use my pipe to create sacred space and we light a candle. Then we do four rounds of prayers.

The first is to identify the “things” we want to let go of from the old year.

In the second round of prayers, we each speak the names of the new patterns, beliefs or relationships that we would like to bring into our lives.

With the third round, we say the names of people we know or love to whom we want to send loving energy.

With the fourth round, we say prayers for the planet. It feels like a really good way to end the year and welcome in the new year.